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By some counts, up to 98% of environmental news stories are negative in nature Implicit in this number is the conventional wisdom among many communicators that increasing people's understanding, awareness, concern or even fear of climate change are necessary precursors for action and behavior change In this article we review scientific theories of mind and brain that explain why this conventional view is flawed In real life, the relationship between beliefs and behavior often goes in the opposite direction: our actions change our beliefs, awareness and concerns through a process of self-justification and self-persuasion As one action leads to another, this process of self-persuasion can go hand in hand with a deepening engagement and the development of agency - knowing how to act One important source of agency is learning from the actions of others We therefore propose an approach to climate communication and storytelling that builds people's agency for climate action by providing a wide variety of stories of people taking positive action on climate change Applied at scale, this will shift the conceptualization of climate change from 'issue-based' to 'action-based' It will also expand the current dominant meanings of 'climate action' (i e 'consumer action' and 'activism') to incorporate all relevant practices people engage in as members of a community, as professionals and as citizens We close by proposing a systematic approach to get more reference material for action-based stories from science, technology and society to the communities of storytellers - learning from health communication and technologies developed for COVID-19 ? 2020 The Author(s) Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Transforming the stories we tell about climate change: From 'issue' to 'action'
In a previous work, we demonstrated that nasally administered Dolosigranulum pigrum 040417 beneficially modulated the respiratory innate immune response triggered by the activation of Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) and improved protection against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in mice. In this work, we aimed to evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of D. pigrum 040417 in human respiratory epithelial cells and the potential ability of this immunobiotic bacterium to increase the protection against Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The respiratory commensal bacterium D. pigrum 040417 differentially modulated the production of IFN-, IL-6, CXCL8, CCL5 and CXCL10 in the culture supernatants of Calu-3 cells stimulated with poly(I:C) or challenged with SARS-CoV-2. The differential cytokine profile induced by the 040417 strain was associated with a significant reduction in viral replication and cellular damage after coronavirus infection. Of note, D. pigrum 030918 was not able to modify the resistance of Calu-3 cells to SARS-CoV-2 infection, indicating a strain-specific immunomodulatory effect for respiratory commensal bacteria. The findings of this work improve our understanding of the immunological mechanisms involved in the modulation of respiratory immunity induced by respiratory commensal bacteria, by demonstrating their specific effect on respiratory epithelial cells. In addition, the results suggest that particular strains such as D. pigrum 040417 could be used as a promising alternative for combating SARS-CoV-2 and reducing the severity of COVID-19.
Dolosigranulum pigrum Modulates Immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in Respiratory Epithelial Cells
The synthetic control method is an empirical methodology forcausal inference using observational data. By observing thespread of COVID-19 throughout the world, we analyze the dataon the number of deaths and cases in different regions usingthe power of prediction, counterfactual analysis, and syntheticinterventions of the synthetic control and its extensions. Weobserve that the number of deaths and cases in different re-gions would have been much smaller had the lockdowns beenimposed earlier and had the re-openings been done later, es-pecially among indoor bars and restaurants. We also analyzethe speculated impact of herd immunity on the spread giventhe population of each region and show that lockdown policieshave a very strong impact on the spread regardless of the levelof prior infections. Our most up-to-date code, model, and data can be foundon github:
Synthetic Control, Synthetic Interventions, and COVID-19 spread: Exploring the impact of lockdown measures and herd immunity
Enveloped virus particles 45 to 65 nm in diameter, tentatively called minicorona virus, were detected by electron microscopy in the intestinal contents of one normal and seven diarrheic calves in Quebec dairy herds. The agent was shown to be antigenically unrelated to the Nebraska calf diarrhea coronavirus and to the bovine viral diarrhea virus by counterimmunoelectrophoresis and fluorescent-antibody techniques. Antibodies against these particles were demonstrated in the serum of affected calves using immunoelectron microscopy. The agent could not be isolated in cell cultures and its possible role as etiological agent in calf diarrhea is still to be determined.
Virus-like particles, 45 to 65 nm, in intestinal contents of neonatal calves.
OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular diseases are also considered to increase the risk of death in COVID-19 patients. However, real-world data concerning the risk factors for death in patients with severe COVID-19 still remain vague. This study aimed to identify the potential risk factors associated with mortality in severe COVID-19 patients. METHODS: All consecutive patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of our institute for COVID-19 for severe COVID-19 pneumonia from April 1, 2020 to July 20, 2020 were included in the analysis. Patient characteristics, including complete medical history and comorbid diseases, blood test results during admission and on day 7, and clinical characteristics were compared between survivors and nonsurvivors. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between survivors and nonsurvivors regarding age, gender, and preexisting cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the rate of the medications including angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blockers did not differ between survivors and nonsurvivors. The peak C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin, fibrinogen, and d-dimer levels and the rate for chronic renal failure were significantly higher in nonsurvivors compared with survivors. Intubated patients had a higher risk of death than the others had. CONCLUSIONS: This study failed to demonstrate a significant difference in preexisting cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular medications between survivors and nonsurvivors who were admitted to ICU for severe COVID-19. Our findings indicate that the presence of chronic renal failure, a high peak ferritin concentration, and the need for invasive mechanical ventilation appear predictive for mortality. We propose that these risk factors should be taken into account in defining the risk status of severe COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU.
Cardiovascular drugs and analysis of potential risk factors associated with mortality in severe coronavirus disease 2019 patients
The author discusses the practical options that the sudden explosion of the pandemic forced us to deal with as analysts She reflects on the difficult task of reconciling the challenge of remaining true to the psychoanalytical method with the need for treatment She explores the complex ethical repercussions connected to each of the different choices (to continue working only in physical presence;to suspend all treatments until it is possible to return to the traditional analytical setting;to work remotely with extensive compromise to the usual setting) She concludes with reflections on the current situation and the traumatic aspects of coming out of lockdown, highlighting how even returning to working in presence nevertheless cannot be a return to the origin (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Abstract (French) L'auteur retrace les options operationnelles avec lesquelles l'explosion soudaine de la pandemie nous a obliges a nous confronter en tant qu'analystes, interpelles par la difficile tache de concilier fidelite a la methode psychanalytique et necessite du traitement;elle explore les complexes repercussions ethiques liees aux differents choix (continuer a travailler en presence;suspendre les traitements jusqu'a ce qu'il soit possible de restaurer le setting analytique traditionnel;travailler a distance, avec des amenagements prolonges du setting habituel) Enfin, elle interroge la situation actuelle et les elements traumatiques lies au deconfinement, soulignant comment tout retour a un travail en presence ne peut en aucun cas etre un retour a l'origine (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Abstract (German) Die Verfasserin vollzieht die Handlungsoptionen nach, mit denen uns auseinanderzusetzen der plotzliche Ausbruch der Pandemie uns als Analytiker gezwungen hat, die wir von der schwierigen Aufgabe herausgefordert sind, die Treue zur psychoanalytischen Methode mit der Notwendigkeit der Behandlung zu vereinbaren;zudem untersucht sie die komplexen ethischen Auswirkungen, die an die verschiedenen Entscheidungen gebunden sind (in Prasenz weiterzuarbeiten;Behandlungen einzustellen, bis es moglich ist, das traditionelle analytische Setting wiederherzustellen;aus der Distanz zu arbeiten, mit umfassenden Anpassungen des ublichen Settings) Sie fragt zuletzt nach der aktuellen Situation und den traumatischen Elementen, die mit dem Verlassen des Lockdowns verbunden sind und hebt hervor, inwiefern die Ruckkehr zur Arbeit in Prasenz letztlich keine Ruckkehr zum Ursprung sein kann (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Abstract (Italian) L'autrice ripercorre le opzioni operative con le quali l'improvvisa esplosione della pandemia ci ha costretti a confrontarci come analisti, cimentati con il difficile compito di conciliare la fedelta al metodo psicoanalitico con le necessita della cura;ed esplora le complesse ripercussioni etiche connesse alle differenti scelte (continuare a lavorare in presenza;sospendere i trattamenti fino a che non fosse possibile ripristinare il setting analitico tradizionale;lavorare in remoto, con accomodamenti estesi del setting usuale) Si interroga infine sulla situazione attuale e sugli elementi traumatici connessi alla uscita dal lockdown, evidenziando come l'eventuale ritorno ad un lavoro in presenza non possa comunque essere un ritorno all'origine (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Abstract (Spanish) La autora hace un recorrido a traves de las opciones operativas con las que la repentina explosion de la pandemia nos ha obligado a enfrentarnos como analistas, lidiando con la dificil tarea de conciliar la fidelidad al metodo psicoanalitico con la necesidad de tratamiento;y explora las complejas repercusiones eticas relacionadas con las diferentes opciones (continuar trabajando en presencia;suspender los tratamientos hasta que sea posible restaurar el setting analitico tradicional;trabajar a distancia, con adaptaciones que extienden el setting habitual) En conclusion se interroga sobre la situacion actual y sobre elementos traumaticos relacionados con la salida del lockdown, destacando como un eventual retorno al trabajo en presencia no pueda ser en ningun caso un retorno al origen (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)
Remain analysts in covid time
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by continuous and irreversible inflammation frequently caused by persistent exposure to toxic inhalants such as cigarette smoke (CS). CS may trigger mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) extrusion into the cytosol, extracellular space, or foster its transfer by extracellular vesicles (EVs). The present study aimed to elucidate whether mtDNA is released upon CS exposure and in COPD. We measured cell-free mtDNA (cf-mtDNA) in the plasma of former smokers affected by COPD, in the serum of mice that developed CS-induced emphysema, and in the extracellular milieu of human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE). Further, we characterized cells exposed to sublethal and lethal doses of CSE by measuring mitochondrial membrane potential and dynamics, superoxide production and oxidative stress, cell cycle progression, and cytokine expression. Patients with COPD and mice that developed emphysema showed increased levels of cf-mtDNA. In cell culture, exposure to a sublethal dose of CSE decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, increased superoxide production and oxidative damage, dysregulated mitochondrial dynamics, and triggered mtDNA release in extracellular vesicles. The release of mtDNA into the extracellular milieu occurred concomitantly with increased expression of DNase III, DNA-sensing receptors (cGAS, NLRP3), proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-18, CXCL2), and markers of senescence (p16, p21). Exposure to a lethal dose of CSE preferentially induced mtDNA and nuclear DNA release in cell debris. Our findings demonstrate that CS-induced stress triggers mtDNA release and is associated with COPD, supporting cf-mtDNA as a novel signaling response to CS exposure.
Extracellular release of mitochondrial DNA is triggered by cigarette smoke and is detected in COPD
INTRODUCTION: Langio-?dme hrditaire (AEH) est une maladie rare lie un excs de libration de bradykinines. Plusieurs facteurs dclenchants ont t dcrits dont les infections. Nous rapportons un des premiers cas dAEH d? une infection pulmonaire severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2). OBSERVATION: Une patiente de 59 ans tait hospitalise maladies infectieuses, j7 du dbut des signes dune infection SARS-CoV2, pour dtresse respiratoire aigu? oxygno-requrante 6 L/min. Ses antcdents consistaient en une obsit grade 1 et un AEH de type 1 diagnostiqu en 1994 trait au long cours par acide tranexamique 3 g/jour, danatrol 200 mg/j et lanadelumab toutes les 2 semaines. Langioscanner thoracique objectivait une atteinte svre touchant plus de 75 % du parenchyme pulmonaire, sans embolie pulmonaire. Loxygnothrapie tait poursuivie 6 L/min, avec ajout de dexamthasone 6 mg/j et enoxaparine 4000 UI-anti-Xa. Le lendemain de son hospitalisation, la patiente prsenta une dysphonie brutale avec voix nasonne et douleurs abdominales. Il nexistait pas de gonflement des extrmits, ni du visage ou de la cavit buccale. Devant la prsence de signes ORL, atypiques dans le cadre dune infection respiratoire SARS-CoV2, et au vu des antcdents de la patiente, une pousse dAEH dclenche par lpisode infectieux tait suspecte. Une injection dinhibiteur de la C1 estrase humaine (BERINERT? 20 UI/kg) tait alors ralise en urgence permettant une rgression en quelques heures des signes ORL et des douleurs abdominales, sans rcidive. Le traitement de fond habituel de son AEH tait poursuivi. Lvolution de linfection par la SARS-CoV2 a aussi t rapidement favorable. la consultation de suivi 1 mois, aucune rcidive dAEH ntait survenue. DISCUSSION: Anete et al. ont rapport 13 cas de pousses dAEH d? une infection pulmonaire SARS-CoV2. La prsentation clinique de linfection tait similaire celle observe chez les patients non atteints dAEH et aucune forme svre datteinte pulmonaire SARS-CoV2 ntait rapporte. Parmi ces 13 patients, 11 ont prsent une pousse modre dAEH et 2 une forme grave traite par icatibant et plasma frais congel respectivement [1]. Diverses tiologies virales (VIH, hpatites virales, Herpes viridae [EBV, CMV, HSV, VZV], parvovirus B19, coxsackie) ou bactriennes (syphilis, Campylobacter jejuni, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, streptocoques, mningocoques) peuvent dclencher des pousses dAEH [2]. La prvention des infections est donc essentielle chez ces patients. La vaccination nest pas associe un sur-risque de pousse dAEH [2]. Elle inclue celle contre le virus de lhpatite A et de lhpatite B chez lenfant et ladulte non vaccin, en raison de lutilisation de mdicament driv du sang, ainsi que la vaccination anti-grippale annuelle [2]. Concernant la vaccination contre la COVID-19, elle est recommande selon un schma 2 doses sans prcaution particulire [3]. CONCLUSION: Linfection par la SARS-CoV2 est une nouvelle cause de pousse dAEH, dont les sympt?mes peuvent tre difficiles dinterprtation dans le contexte. La prise en charge de ces patients reste celle des recommandations actuelles pour ces deux pathologies.
SARS regonfle !!
Projections of the near future of daily case incidence of COVID-19 are valuable for informing public policy. Near-future estimates are also useful for outbreaks of other diseases. Short-term predictions are unlikely to be affected by changes in herd immunity. In the absence of major net changes in factors that affect reproduction number (R), the two-parameter exponential model should be a standard model - indeed, it has been standard for epidemiological analysis of pandemics for a century but in recent decades has lost popularity to more complex compartmental models. Exponential model should be routinely included in reports describing epidemiological models as a reference, or null hypothesis. Exponential models should be fitted separately for each epidemiologically distinct jurisdiction. They should also be fitted separately to time intervals that differ by any major changes in factors that affect R. Using an exponential model, incidence-count half-life is a better statistic than R. Here an example of the exponential model is applied to King County, Washington during Spring 2020. The parameters and predictions of this model have remained stable for at least 45 days and the accuracy of model predictions has outperformed models with more parameters.
Empirical Model of Spring 2020 Decrease in Daily Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in King County, Washington
BACKGROUND/AIM: The Covid-19 epidemic has severely strained health care systems across the globe. The impacts are multiple especially for patients cared for cancer. The Covid-19 epidemic has several impacts on the management of lung cancer patients. The aim of this work was to summarize the available epidemiological data on patients diagnosed with lung cancer infected with Covid-19 and describe the different strategies to improve the management of these patients by summarizing the recommendations in this area. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The Teravolt cohort is an observational multicenter registry, including patients with non-small cell cancer, small cell cancer or mesothelioma but also epithelial tumors and a diagnosis of Covid-19. The Theravolt registry indicates an unexpectedly high mortality rate in patients with thoracic malignancies with COVID-19. RESULTS: Between March 26 and April 12, 2020, 200 patients treated in 8 countries were included. They had a performance status (PS) of 0-1 in 72% of cases, were smokers or ex-smokers in 81% of cases, had non-small cell cancer (76% of cases), were under treatment in 74% of cases, and the majority were first-line cases (57%). The hospitalization rate was 76% and the mortality rate 33%; only 10% of patients with criteria for intensive care hospitalization were admitted to the intensive care. CONCLUSION: Data presented in this registry suggest a high mortality in patients with thoracic cancer and Covid-19. Therofere, the importance to create a safe healthcare system during Covid-19 pandemic is underlined along with the need for essential effective clinical service delivery to patients with lung cancer.
Lung Cancer, Covid-19 Infections and Chemotherapy
Identifying human-virus protein-protein interactions (PPIs) is an essential step for understanding viral infection mechanisms and antiviral response of the human host. Recent advances in high-throughput experimental techniques enable the significant accumulation of human-virus PPI data, which have further fueled the development of machine learning-based human-virus PPI prediction methods. Emerging as a very promising method to predict human-virus PPIs, deep learning shows the powerful ability to integrate large-scale datasets, learn complex sequence-structure relationships of proteins and convert the learned patterns into final prediction models with high accuracy. Focusing on the recent progresses of deep learning-powered human-virus PPI predictions, we review technical details of these newly developed methods, including dataset preparation, deep learning architectures, feature engineering, and performance assessment. Moreover, we discuss the current challenges and potential solutions and provide future perspectives of human-virus PPI prediction in the coming post-AlphaFold2 era.
Deep Learning-Powered Prediction of Human-Virus Protein-Protein Interactions
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected over 45 million people and caused over a million deaths globally. Tobacco use, a threat to public health worldwide, increases the risk of developing severe COVID-19 disease and death. The hand-to-mouth action, smoking-induced lung diseases, and the sharing of tobacco products such as water pipes, increase a smoker's vulnerability to COVID-19. Implementation of tobacco control efforts in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) including sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is a particular challenge. The aim of this study in Ghana was to produce evidence to support governments to make informed policy decisions about tobacco control interventions in the context of COVID-19.
Tobacco use and COVID-19 in Ghana: generating evidence to support policy and practice
Companion rats are often presented to veterinarians for respiratory difficulties. Dyspnea in rats is most commonly due to infectious pneumonia, and thoracic neoplasia can go undiagnosed ante mortem due to a mistaken interpretation of pneumonia. In domestic carnivores, pulmonary nodular patterns have been shown to correlate with lung neoplastic diseases and infectious diseases. The main objective of this retrospective case series study was to determine whether certain radiographic criteria could be correlated with the presence of thoracic infectious disease and neoplastic disease in companion rats. A secondary objective was to determine whether the patient's sex and age were different between rats diagnosed with infectious versus neoplastic disease. Medical records and thoracic radiographs of dyspneic companion rats presented to the University of California at Davis, William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital during the time period from January 2000 to December 2014 were reviewed. Rats with postmortem confirmation of thoracic lesions were included in the study. Thoracic radiographs were evaluated for positioning, lesion distribution, lung lobe involved, pulmonary pattern, mediastinal and pleural lesions by three observers blinded to diagnosis. Thirty rats were included in the study, including 23 rats with an infectious disease and seven with neoplasia. Mediastinal lesions were significantly more prevalent in the group diagnosed with thoracic neoplasia (P = 0.031), in particular cranially (P = 0.048). Although there was an overlap between the two groups, findings indicated that the presence of cranial mediastinal lesions may be helpful for differentiating neoplastic from infectious disease in rats.
This study used multimedia games as instruments for critical thinking activities based on the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) framework for the COVID-19 crisis, supported by achievement tests and questionnaires The results showed that the present method is effecttive to improve students' learning achievement, confirmed by the higher posttest results compared to than those of the pretest The educational goals of SRL theories were developed through student-directed instructional design online where the students' guide made some input into their learning processes The students' satisfaction in learning with the SRL framework for the COVID-19 crisis gained a high level, informing that the SRL framework for problem solving during the COVID-19 crisis was useful for teaching and career training Teaching styles (such as the stable focus, orientation, or intent) constituted the entire patterns of teaching behaviors This study implies that a self-directed learner can be described as being self-managing in a situation where the individual is engaged in student-centered instructions
An Instructional Design For Online Learning In Vocational Education According To A Self-Regulated Learning Framework For Problem Solving During The COVID-19 Crisis
In past few years we have observed an increase in the usage of RGBD sensors in mobile devices. These sensors provide a good estimate of the depth map for the camera frame, which can be used in numerous augmented reality applications. This paper presents a new visual inertial odometry (VIO) system, which uses measurements from a RGBD sensor and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor for estimating the motion state of the mobile device. The resulting system is called the depth-aided VIO (DVIO) system. In this system we add the depth measurement as part of the nonlinear optimization process. Specifically, we propose methods to use the depth measurement using one-dimensional (1D) feature parameterization as well as three-dimensional (3D) feature parameterization. In addition, we propose to utilize the depth measurement for estimating time offset between the unsynchronized IMU and the RGBD sensors. Last but not least, we propose a novel block-based marginalization approach to speed up the marginalization processes and maintain the real-time performance of the overall system. Experimental results validate that the proposed DVIO system outperforms the other state-of-the-art VIO systems in terms of trajectory accuracy as well as processing time.
DVIO: Depth aided visual inertial odometry for RGBD sensors
OBJECTIVE: To assess the trends in visits, overall and by age, to urban and non-urban emergency departments (EDs), and visits resulting in admission to hospital before and during the COVID-19 pandemic using a large regional database. SETTING: A large regional database of 28 EDs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan, with an index case of 11 March 2020 and peak in the first week of April. PARTICIPANTS: ED visits during the first 5 months of the calendar year were included and compared with the previous year. Facilities where these participants were seen were classified as urban or non-urban, with comparisons of total visits, COVID-like cases, paediatric and trauma. OUTCOME MEASURES: Daily visits to EDs of patients presenting with COVID-like symptoms, trauma, age patterns and total cases, and stratified between urban and non-urban settings. RESULTS: There were 1 732 852 visits across the 2 years, 953 407 between study and comparison periods, and 457 130 visits defined as COVID-like (median age 44 years). Total ED visits decreased to 48% of the previous year, showing a delayed-inverse relationship with COVID-19. Trauma cases dropped but returned to the pre-COVID-19 rate by the end of May in Urban centres. Paediatric cases decreased to 20% of the previous year by the end of April. The oldest age groups showed the least change in ED visits in response to the pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: This large US Midwestern state study describes a dramatic decrease in ED visits after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan, including stratification by varying ages and trauma, demonstrating the tangible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban and non-urban EDs.
Change in urban and non-urban pattern of ED use during the COVID-19 pandemic in 28 Michigan hospitals: an observational study
Lower serum concentration of the drug was observed in younger patients than in older patients for the same mg/kg dose level due to a faster clearance, per kilogram weight in smaller patients. Of the total patients, 54% of patients participated in the teledermatology project, and 5.3% of whom received a diagnosis of AD. It is important to note that patients with poor photographs of the lesion were sent directly for an in-person consultation stressing the fact that a good-quality photograph is important for a fruitful session of teleconsultation for a dermatological patient. Evaluating the Efficacy of Telemedicine in Atopic Dermatitis We hereby review a retrospective cohort study conducted at Sao Paolo, Brazil, where 57,832 patients were waiting for an appointment with a dermatologist.[[1]] The primary objective of this study was threefold;to assess what extent is it possible to manage patients of atopic dermatitis (AD) with primary care setting, avoiding undue pressure on specialists, to assess the diagnostic accuracy of telemedicine, and to determine the frequency of AD in the study population. [Extracted from the article] Copyright of Indian Journal of Paediatric Dermatology is the property of Wolters Kluwer India Pvt Ltd and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full . (Copyright applies to all s.)
Hot topics in paediatric dermatology
The Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has turned into a pandemic with about a million confirmed cases worldwide. Being an airborne infection, it can be highly fatal to populous countries like India. This study sets to identify potential cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes in the SARS-CoV-2 Indian isolate which can acts act as an effective vaccine candidate for the majority of the Indian population. The immunogenicity and the foreignness of the epitopes towards the human body have to studies to further confirm their candidacy. The top-scoring epitopes were subjected to molecular docking studies to study their interactions with the corresponding human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system. The CTL epitopes were observed to bind at the peptide-binding groove of the corresponding HLA system, indicating their potency as a vaccine candidate. The identified epitopes can be subjected to further studies for the development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
Immunoinformatic based identification of cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes from the Indian isolate of SARS-CoV-2
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted people's life around the world, including how they interact with mobile technologies. In this paper, we seek to develop an understanding of how the dynamic trajectory of a pandemic shapes mobile phone users' experiences. Through the lens of app popularity, we approach this goal from a cross-country perspective. We compile a dataset consisting of six-month daily snapshots of the most popular apps in the iOS App Store in China and the US, where the pandemic has exhibited distinct trajectories. Using this longitudinal dataset, our analysis provides detailed patterns of app ranking during the pandemic at both category and individual app levels. We reveal that app categories' rankings are correlated with the pandemic, contingent upon country-specific development trajectories. Our work offers rich insights into how the COVID-19, a typical global public health crisis, has influence people's day-to-day interaction with the Internet and mobile technologies.
A Tale of Two Countries: A Longitudinal Cross-Country Study of Mobile Users' Reactions to the COVID-19 Pandemic Through the Lens of App Popularity
This article describes a psychological practice reference to provide peer support via social media, derived from the experience learned from our intervention project, which was developed and carried out by a group of experienced mental health professionals, offering peer psychological support to healthcare professionals working at the frontline of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China. The authors describe the infrastructure of the team and the novel model of peer-to-peer crisis intervention via social media. This offers a model for intervention that can be used elsewhere for current pandemic and future crises.
Mental Health Peer to Peer Support via Social Media practice reference During COVID-19 Pandemics

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